Note: All competitors must be a member of a golf club, have a Handicap Index and CDH number.
To book a tee time in an Open Competition, select the link at the bottom of the page.
Tuesday 5 August 2025
Format: Betterball Stableford (2 players)
Cost: £17 per player (£34 per team)
Entry includes:
• A bacon sandwich & tea/coffee on arrival
• 2s club
• Yellow Tees, maximum Handicap Index 54.0
• Playing handicap is 85% of course handicap
• Prizes for the top 3 teams.
Wednesday 6 August 2025
Team of 3 players. £30 per team.
Stableford - best 2 scores to count on each hole.
Maximum Handicap Index 54.0.
Playing handicap 95% of course handicap.
Maximum playing handicap of 50.
2s included.
Prizes for 1st & 2nd places.
1 - 44 points
Peter Clarke & Mark Benyon
2 - 41 points
Graham Thompson & Alan Mitchell
3 - 40 points
Stephen Moorhouse & David Bentley
Wednesday 7 August 2024
1 - 80 points.
Renee Gorman, Alice Zao, Janice Windsor
2 - 79 points (on countback).
Pauline Nankervis, Denise Nudds, Sue Richards.
2s - Karen Atkinson
NTP - Sue Delaney