This page provides details of the latest offers for membership.

There are range of membership deals available, you should be able to find one that suits your needs.

The membership rates below are for membership up to the 30 September 2025.

That's 2 summers of golf.
Plus partners join for free, with only their annual association fees to pay until year 3.
(currently £16.00 for women and £13.45 for men)

If you are considering joining us or have any questions please get in touch and we will get back to you.

Our email address:


Category offer to 30 September 2025
Full Membership - Adult, single or couple (30+) £900
Full Membership - intermediate 4 (ages 27-29) £730
Full Membership - intermediate 3 (ages 24-26) £575
Full Membership - intermediate 2 (ages 22-23) £425
Full Membership - intermediate 1 (ages 18-21) £205
Junior (under 18) £85
5 day membership £725
3 day membership £510
Group and Corporate memberships 12 for the price of 4